Real Estate Agent
Educationally, I have a BA in Economics from Douglass College in 1980, but felt real estate was the path I was meant to take. I then took several advanced Real Estate Courses and obtaining my GRI and CRB certifications.
Professionally, I opened my office in NJ in 1982 and originally the name was Winhold Realty. I joined Prudential Real Estate Affiliates in 1988 and thereafter was affiliated with the ever-growing Prudential New Jersey Properties in 2000, becoming their first acquisition of 19 offices. In 2014, Prudential Real Estate became Berkshire Hathaway New Jersey Properties and they continue to grow and thrive. It is a great feeling to see how much we have achieved from the original independent office called Winhold Realty to where they are today. I feel a great source of pride as I have turned over the management and watch them continue to grow. Now I get to do what I love best and that is working with friends, family and a myriad of past clients who I now consider as friends.
I have always loved Hemlock Farms. We have owned here since 1984 and never had the opportunity to enjoy the community full time since I was working more than full time in NJ. I am now transitioning to living full time in Hemlock. My first step was to become affiliated with Chante Realtors as an Associate Broker and continue to utilize my experience here and to bring more and more of my friends and clients here to the place I now call home.

Dorothy Winhold works in Milford which has a population of 11,573. Milford has a household income of $51,525. The educational attainment of residents of Milford includes 51.45% of adults who have at least a college degree.
Residents in Milford will typically attend school in Delaware Valley.

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Dorothy Winhold

106 E Harford Street
Milford, Pennsylvania 18337 United States