Jens Pilz
Real Estate Professional
Originally born in Germany and came to America as a young child into a family that had a great work ethic, which was instilled early on. I grew up going to construction sites as a young boy, it was just fun then. But as I grew, I learned that there was an enormous amount of information to absorb. At first it was the construction aspect of it all, which truly was overwhelming and takes years to grasp. Then managing my own construction company for years all over the Tri State Area. While all that was going on I was buying and selling real estate for myself and improving it and turning it over. So I know what questions buyers and sellers want answered because I can relate to you and your needs and desires , because I'm just like you. In real estate we all want the same thing, a smooth transaction for the right price, and I'm here to help you with that. I still have an abundance of energy and look forward to sharing it with you! Chant Realtors is number one for a reason, and I believe it's because of the personnel and vision of the company to achieve the goals of the clients who choose Chant for their real estate needs.
Jens Pilz works in Milford which has a population of 11,573. Milford has a household income of $51,525. The educational attainment of residents of Milford includes 51.45% of adults who have at least a college degree.
Residents in Milford will typically attend school in Delaware Valley.
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