Kathryn Baron
Real Estate Professional
I believe that everyday counts, everyone deserves the royal treatment and if you can't find a little fun in what you are doing, do something else! Words I work by - Words I live by. It has been 20 years since I joined the Chant Team and what a journey it has been! I have learned so much, shed a few tears along the way, but in the end, love to rewrite the life story for so many people. Now licensed in both PA and Florida, I can help you find that perfect fun in the sun property too! Whatever direction the path of this real estate adventure leads me, turning goals into realities has become a personal passion. With Cooper (my 5 year old toy Australian Shepherd) by my side, we have embarked on a mission to make people smile, to provide exceptional customer service and to never look for a bone when we don't deserve one! Our goal is simple - clients for life!
Kathryn Baron works in Honesdale which has a population of 13,102. Honesdale has a household income of $33,072. The educational attainment of residents of Honesdale includes 38.14% of adults who have at least a college degree.
Residents in Honesdale will typically attend school in Wayne Highlands.
Town Coverage:Honesdale, PennsylvaniaStarlight, PennsylvaniaSusquehanna, PennsylvaniaThompson, PennsylvaniaTyler Hill, PennsylvaniaUnion Dale, PennsylvaniaBeach Lake, PennsylvaniaDamascus, PennsylvaniaEquinunk, PennsylvaniaForest City, PennsylvaniaHawley, PennsylvaniaLake Ariel, PennsylvaniaLake Como, PennsylvaniaTafton, PennsylvaniaWaymart, PennsylvaniaLakewood, PennsylvaniaMilanville, PennsylvaniaPleasant Mount, PennsylvaniaPrompton, Pennsylvania
Kathryn Baron
Phone: 570 470-5066
Phone: 570 253-4191
251 Willow Ave
Honesdale, Pennsylvania 18431 United StatesOther information
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